Take Free Rheumatology CME/CE Courses

The diagnostic work up of rheumatologic diseases can be challenging for primary care clinicians, and the myriad of new therapies has changed the face of management. These Pri-Med rheumatology CME/CE courses can help you to better identify, diagnose, and treat your patients with rheumatologic conditions. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now. 

Curated Topics for Your Primary Care Practice

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Primary care clinicians play an important role in the early diagnosis and ongoing management of rheumatic conditions. 

Pri-Med provides education on 
Approaches to diagnosing and managing fibromyalgia 
Ordering rheumatology labs correctly and interpreting their results
The evaluation and differential diagnosis of mono-, oligo-, and polyarthritis 
Updated treatment guidelines for gout
Recognizing Sjogren’s syndrome and its burden on patients
Prevalence, health disparities, and negative consequences of systemic lupus erythematosus 
The rapidly increasing armamentarium of biologic therapies for rheumatologic conditions 

Start earning free rheumatology CME/CE credits with one of the courses above or browse our extensive library of courses for more topics.