Take Free Hospice & Palliative Care CME/CE Courses

Hospice and palliative care isn’t easy. Fortunately, Pri-Med's hospice and palliative care CME/CE sessions can equip PCPs with the knowledge and skills they need to provide compassionate care, manage complex symptoms, support patients and families emotionally, and ensure a dignified and comfortable transition for individuals facing terminal illnesses. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now.

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Quality hospice and palliative care can enhance the quality of life for individuals with terminal illnesses and their families. PCPs can play a pivotal role in referring, coordinating, and providing hospice care, but they require in-depth knowledge and skills to provide compassionate, individualized care that aligns with patients' preferences, values, and goals. 

Our comprehensive collection of hospice and palliative care CME/CE conferences and courses present education that helps you develop the following actionable skills and knowledge.

• End of life planning
• Pain and symptom management to ensure that patients are comfortable
• Emotional and psychological support associated with end-of-life care, including grief, anxiety, and depression
• Deprescribing
• Care transitions
• Legal and ethical considerations
• Information, resources, and emotional support for families

Create your free Pri-Med account and start earning your hospice and palliative care CME/CE credits today.