Take Free Child Abuse CME/CE Courses

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that at least one in seven children in the United States as experienced abuse or neglect in the past year. Gain the vital training you need to identify these children as early as possible with our child abuse CME/CE sessions. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now. 

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The physical and psychological toll of abuse on children is devastating, but primary care clinicians are uniquely positioned to identify these children before the abuse escalates. Empower yourself and elevate your care of these vulnerable patients by engaging with Pri-Med’s expert-led education.

Our vast collection of CME/CE conferences and courses on child abuse deliver training that helps you gain the following skills and knowledge.

• Elevate your skills in recognizing the subtle signs of child abuse
• Learn new approaches to guiding sensitive conversations with young patients
• Navigate the difficult discussions you may need to have with parents who may also be the perpetrator
• Know the legal and ethical considerations when caring for patients experiencing child abuse

Create your free Pri-Med account and start earning your CME/CE credits on child abuse today.