Pri-Med Tampa | Riverwalk

Tuesday−Wednesday, August 6–7|Tampa, FL

Pri-Med Tampa | Regional CME/CE Conference

Tuesday, August 6 2024


Industry Theater

Charting the Path to Primary Care: Integrating Blood-Based Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s

Industry Theater 1, Room 122


The field of Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnostics is experiencing remarkable advancements with the introduction of blood-based biomarkers (BBMs). These cutting-edge diagnostic tools offer significant potential for the early detection and management of AD within primary care settings. As BBMs transition from research to clinical practice, it is essential for primary care providers to understand their potential and how to utilize these tools effectively and appropriately. This session will share perspectives on implementation of BBM tests in primary care, using real world experience to highlight the challenges and opportunities of adoption. Participants will gain practical knowledge and strategies to help inform and guide use in clinical practice, enhancing early detection and patient care.


Sponsored by

  • The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease