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Industry Webcast

Treating MDD: A Rapid-Acting Oral Antidepressant With Multimodal ActivityIndustry Webcast Sponsored by Axsome Therapeutics, Inc.; Not for CME/CE Credit

This product theater will highlight the current unmet needs in MDD and present a treatment option with rapid symptom improvement for adult patients with MDD.


CME/CE Information

0 Credits - Not for CME/CE Credit

Release Date: 1/14/2025

Expiration Date: 1/14/2025



Heather Luing, MD

Florida Center for TMS
Chief Medical Officer
University of Florida at Flagler Hospital
Attending Psychiatrist

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Industry Sponsor

Axsome Therapeutics, Inc.

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Treating MDD: A Rapid-Acting Oral Antidepressant With Multimodal Activity
